What’s Happened
Prenatal Yoga & Meditation with Amrit Premdevi
Every Friday at 09:30 a.m., 90 minutes, € 10
Live at the hotel
Tickets here
You are on the way to accompany a soul on this earth and to give life through your body! This experience will change you forever. A friend who recently became a mom said to me: It feels like I’ve found what I could never look for.
Your child has chosen you to be its mother. You can trust your intuition and that all knowledge is already within you. Every experience, thought and feeling that you experience during pregnancy has an impact on your baby. Yoga and meditation bring you into your strength and strengthen the connection to your child.
The Khalsa Way Method was founded by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. It is inspired by Kundalini Yoga and all exercises are specially adapted for pregnant women. It is a powerful and graceful practice suitable for all women, levels of experience, and at every stage of pregnancy. We will practice yoga, meditate, chant mantras & experience the unity of expectant mothers and women together.
Again and again I will invite experts such as midwives, lactation consultants or other mothers to share their experiences with us!
I look forward to being able to accompany you on your journey to birth and motherhood!
Love & Blessings,
Anne Amrit Premdevi