What’s Happened
Go Monkeys, Go!
Go Monkeys, Go!
That was our motto during the 9th annual Hotel Beach Masters on 1st August.
32 teams from the Berlin hotel scene attended the competition – and among them: us Michelbergers. Each team was 5 people strong, but we had a stronger one (7) – as secret weapons or to substitute when getting tired.
Summer did a fantastic job – sun, no clouds and heat – a perfect start to the tournament.
Well trained (not really) we started with low expectations. But then we won the first game, we won the second – our fighting spirit was born! After only 3 lost matches, 6 hours in the blazing heat, Micha’s cramps and the desire for a slice of pizza and a cold beer we finished 11th.
What a day – fully concentrated but never forgetting it’s all about having fun. The Double 1 (11) was our favourite score anyways 😉 And we know we’ll be even better at the winter tournament… next time we’ll catch the single 1.
Thanks Monkeys, it was a blast!