What’s Happened
Vincent Moon Screening
This Sunday (23rd Feb), we’re very happy to welcome Vincent Moon to the hotel for a screening of some of his work.
He’ll be showing a film from his short film series ‘From ATP’. These are a collection of six short films shot over four years at the UK music festival All Tomorrow’s Parties and they present a fan’s eye view from one of the most unique and uncompromising music events in the world.
Vincent Moon is a workaholic and an independent filmmaker from Paris and the originator of the renowned Blogothèque’s Take Away Shows, a concept of shooting music videos in a spontaneous and natural way which feel far more like an accurate reflection of the experience of live music than the traditional pop video with all its contrivance and high production values. He shot over 200 videos with bands like REM, Arcade Fire, The National, Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, Beirut, Grizzly Bear, St. Vincent and Sigur Ros and many more. If you haven’t come across these wonderful films before, you can see them all here.
Since 2008, Vincent has been working on a new project, Collection Petites Planètes. He’s been travelling the world alone, filming and recording traditional, indigenous music and religious rituals from countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Cambodia, the Philippines, Croatia, Ethiopia, Russia, Uruguay, Peru, the Caucasus, Vietnam and Laos among many others. The films are subtle, poetic and mesmerising. Here’s an example that blew our minds from the Songs of Chechenya series.
Always making films with and of the local people, and sharing them under a Creative Commons licence on the internet, he rejects traditional professionalism in favour of 21st Century amateurism and he collaborates with local creators and young talent all over the world.
He’ll also be showing some of these films from his recent researches into shamanism, music and trance.
This is his music label and his Vimeo channel is here. His personal website is here.
There’ll be a chance to ask questions and talk with him after the screenings.
This will be a remarkable and fascinating evening and shouldn’t be missed. Entrance is for free but come please early because seating is limited. The screening is from 7 pm until 10 pm.